Tuesday, April 30, 2013

holy cow. holy cow. holy cow.

we are 16 days away from the big day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wedding dress ready to go--  Check!
bridal portraits taken--  Check!
grooms attire picked out and ready to go--  Check!

i can't believe that the big day is literally right around the corner. it feels like yesterday that we were engaged and just picking out our wedding date which back then seemed so very far away. as i reflect back on everything that has happened it just amazes me how times actually does fly. we have accomplished so many things that i couldn't be more proud of. this adventure we are about to embark on makes me nervous but in a make me cry i'm so happy kinda way lol.

as we were sitting on our couch eating brownies the night of our second year engagement anniversary (4/29) neither of us remembered that it was 2 years ago that we got engaged lol. it wasn't until the 30th that either of us remembered. why is this? how on earth could BOTH of us forget? hmmmmmm well there are a million wedding thoughts roaming through our heads, we have a 5 month old puppy running around, and we were putting together an offer on a FREAKIN' HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!! not only did we put an offer on said house, they accepted!!! we are officially about to be newly weds and will hopefully have a new-to-us home about 2 weeks after the wedding waiting for us to move in to :)

Life is GOOD!! So it looks like after this wedding shin-dig we are going to turn this blog into a house improvement/decorating blog :)

stay tuned! love,

no invite. can't come? no fear!

So you sadly did not receive an invitation, or you did and have to miss the big day. Do not fear!!!!!

At a "to be announced" date we will be having a reception in Elmira, NY :)

As our guest list was narrowed down to accommodate our Maximum of 50 people we quickly realized there would be many people we wanted to invite, but simply could not invite due to space. We also were aware that there would be a few if not many people that couldn't make the trip down to the OBX, so we have decided to have a little backyard BBQ in Elmira.

Once the dust has settled from our wedding, and moving into hopefully our new house we would have come up with a date to have this New York reception :) Stay tuned for more info!