Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Groom's Voice

So, somehow some way I feel inclined to post something on this blog, I mean it is my wedding too, right? We will go with a yes/maybe/sure on that one.
I would have to say that I am marrying the most amazingly astounding wonderful young lady there is in the whole entire world. I mean I would not just move out of my comfort zone for just anyone! HAHAHAHA!
I was trying to say something awesome like she has been posting but thats all I got for now!
Phil 4:13

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

valentine's day.

We live 396.8 miles apart, and yet I felt closer and more in love on this Valentine's Day. Living 8 hours apart from one another has not left me feeling doubtful or all of that other stuff people think happens to long-distance relationships. Nor do I feel like I love Zack anymore than the day he moved to Virginia, but I can promise that I love him a lot stronger and appreciate him more. When I say I love him stronger I simply mean that I don't think anything could change how much I love him. I can't wait to be Mrs. McCarty!!!! So now the funstuff about Valentine's day!!! He got me FLOWERS. Not roses, because well...... I hate roses lol. It is a flower that has thorns on it..... how romantic is that?!? Instead he got me lilies! pink one's at that. This is the first time he has gotten me flowers, which made me super excited!!!! Although today marks the actual day, we will be spending our own valentine's day together next week and I can't wait to give him his present. I know he'll love it, and has no idea what I'm getting him :) I hope everyone else had a fantastic Valentine's Day, and that even if you don't have someone special in your life, that you took this day to love yourself, friends and family.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I like to think of myself as a photographer, an amateur one, but still. This being said I knew that I had to find an awesome photographer with the personality to go with it. While my sister, mother and I were attending the OBX wedding expo reception I noticed this bleach blonde running around taking pictures. I managed to track her down and got as much information as I could from her in that moment. The next day as we were walking around the expo we got to her booth. It screamed clean, modern and talented. I know that she is not the most expensive or probably not the most experienced, but her personality had me excited. We booked her that day and I couldn't be more thrilled to have our engagement session this summer or to have her document our wedding :) I introduce to you, GingerSnaps Photography!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

the basics.

Bride: Ashley Hemphill
Groom: Zachary McCarty
Wedding Date: May 17, 2013
Location: the glorious outerbanks :)

the engagement: Zack was mister sneaky and showed up to BW3 while I was working!!! He snagged the microphone without me knowing. He had my whole section empty (which made me angry before I knew what he was doing). While I was putting in his (and friends) drink order in I heard his voice over the intercom. "Attention Buffalo Wild Wings! Ashley Suzanne Hemphill, I have a very important question to ask you" As I turned around he got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife :) The entire restaurant burst out into clapping and people began clinking their glasses for us to kiss. Oh did I mention I was crying and said YESSS. He gave me the most beautiful, perfect and exactly what I always envisioned my engagement ring to look like.

I should get back to my homework :) Tomorrow I'll update you on the photographer we have booked :)