Wednesday, February 8, 2012

the basics.

Bride: Ashley Hemphill
Groom: Zachary McCarty
Wedding Date: May 17, 2013
Location: the glorious outerbanks :)

the engagement: Zack was mister sneaky and showed up to BW3 while I was working!!! He snagged the microphone without me knowing. He had my whole section empty (which made me angry before I knew what he was doing). While I was putting in his (and friends) drink order in I heard his voice over the intercom. "Attention Buffalo Wild Wings! Ashley Suzanne Hemphill, I have a very important question to ask you" As I turned around he got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife :) The entire restaurant burst out into clapping and people began clinking their glasses for us to kiss. Oh did I mention I was crying and said YESSS. He gave me the most beautiful, perfect and exactly what I always envisioned my engagement ring to look like.

I should get back to my homework :) Tomorrow I'll update you on the photographer we have booked :)

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